Welcome to this new segment of the Paths Back to You podcast! I decided to start this segment because I dread checking the news. There’s always something horrible happening, and it’s FRIDAY! Everybody wants to feel good about Friday and every other day. In this episode, I share with you guys several heartwarming, feel good news stories that I found. And YES, one of them is about a stolen therapy goat returned to depressed cow. Also stories about heroic acts, heartwarming animal rescues and MORE…
A special thank you to Sunnyskyz and Goodnewsnetwork for these happy news
Links to stories mentioned on episode:
#1. Sweet adoption
#2. 5 year-old firefighter hero
#3. Coffee & Kittens
#5. Beauty, Brains and a big heart
#8. Hug for the pizza delivery man
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Thank you,
Dia Jin
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